This Memorial is the result of a grieving father's love; he wanted his son to always be remembered. So with the help of a determined committee we set out to not only honor Cumberland's native son PFC Brandon L. Davis, who was killed in action in Fallujah, Iraq, but all Americans who grieve for their fallen soldiers.
The Gulf War Memorial is comprised of five standing black granite open books with the names of all the fallen soldiers who paid the ultimate price for answering their Nations call to duty in Americas most recent wars. As of this date over 6,300 names have been etched in the granite pages. As long as these conflicts continue this memorial will be ongoing. (At present time, there are more than 130 names to be added.)
There are large bronzed medallions honoring all five branches of the services, embedded in the concrete in front of the books along with the black granite bench. We invite visitors to sit and reflect on these brave men and women's devotion to this country. We can never repay this debt, only Remember and Honor the many sons and daughters who no longer walk among us, but can never be erased in our hearts. So let this monument serve as a reminder to all that "Freedom is Never Free".